Here at WoodsEdge, we
know that the winter months can seem to drag on when you
are cooped up inside. You know this all too well if you have children. They are
busy bodies and sometimes it is just too cold for them to be outside, so you
try to do things inside to entertain them and yourself. The house is clean, the
laundry is put away, tummies are full, and now you are thinking of what else
there is you can do to stay busy. How about make a winter sun-catcher? This is
fun for everyone and you probably have all the ingredients it takes in your
What you'll need
- Ice cube tray
- Food coloring
- Round cake pan
- Ribbon
- Plastic cup
How to make it
- First, create
colorful ice cubes by adding one to three drops of food coloring to the
water in each section of the tray. Use only a few matching colors, as they
will run together in the pan later. Freeze the cubes completely.
- Fill a round
cake pan about two-thirds full of water. To make the hole for the ribbon,
set a plastic cup full of water in the pan. Place the pan in the freezer
for an hour or so. Put the colored ice cubes in the pan, then let all the
liquid freeze solid. Remove the plastic cup, flip the sun catcher out of
the pan, then hang it outside with ribbon.