This is the perfect time of year to add some color to your flower garden. We have some good suggestions for a beautiful and easy to maintain garden.
Start simple. Annual flowers are a good place to start. Choose flowers that are easy to grow and do not require a lot of fuss. We recommend annuals such as marigolds, dusty miller and salvia as a good starter plants. Marigolds have a sunny bloom that ranges from dark orange to light yellow. Marigolds produce blooms throughout the spring and summer and they really show off in late summer and early fall. Dusty Miller is a tough plant that has velvety silver-white foliage. The leaves have a lacy look when mature. Dusty Miller makes a good filler plant and will last late into the season. Salvia comes in a variety of colors. Locally the most popular colors are bright red and dark purple. These flowers have tall blooms that add a punch of color. All of the above-recommended plants are hardy and drought resistant.
Work some perennials into your garden. Perennials are plants that come back year after year. We recommend trying Sedum, Coneflowers or Coreopsis. Sedums grow in a nice tight, round shape. They have light green to silvery foliage, and come in a variety of colors. Our favorite is “Autumn Joy”, which produces big, beautiful coppery flowers in early fall. Coneflowers will add height to your garden. They have tall stems with large daisy shaped blooms and a cone shaped center. Traditional coneflowers come in light pink, yellow and white. However, you can also find them in flashy colors such as raspberry, marmalade and hot papaya. Coreopsis is an easy perennial to grow. They are short, dense and come in a variety of colors such as yellow, orange, white and pink. These plants begin to bloom in late spring and continue into late summer. One plant produces a mass of small colorful blooms. With most perennials you will want to prune back the plants in late fall.
Try some bulbs in your garden. One of our favorite signs that spring has arrived is seeing the early bulb flowers that sprout up. We recommend Alliums, Daffodils and Narcissus. Alliums come in pink, pink-purple, white and yellow. They have plentiful, tiny blooms that work great as borders and around larger late blooming bulbs. Daffodils are a favorite of many. These pretty blooms come in a range of shapes and colors. You may want to plant bulbs in large groups for a beautiful focal point in your flower garden. Daffodils can also be clipped and brought into your house for a cheerful addition to your dining room table. Narcissus’ remind us a lot of daffodils but the flowers are slightly smaller and fragrant. These plants thrive in a sunny location and last quite awhile. Narcissus can be found in cream, yellow, white and peach.
All of the above suggested plants are, for the most part, deer resistant. Be sure to add mulch to your flower garden as it helps maintain moisture during dry times. Check your flowerbeds regularly for weeds. They are easier to pull before roots have a chance to get established. If you do not have room for a large flower garden, pick up some flowerpots and fill them with your favorite flowers. They can liven up your patio. Take time to enjoy your garden. Gardening can help reduce stress and is a good way to get some exercise and fresh air.
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